Easy At Home Exercises

As translators, we work sitting most of the time. You have probably heard or read that sitting for a long period each day is not good for your health. Extended sitting has been associated with having poor health condition of the body. If your waistline is getting bigger, most likely you do a lot of sitting all day long with sugar-loaded snacks and soda right within your reach.

Goal: Trim Waistline

  • Get rid of the sugar-loaded snacks. Avoiding sugar-rich snacks is good for your health and will help you lose weight.

  • Drink lots of water. Your mind sometimes tricks you into thinking that you are hungry when in fact you are thirsty. Soft drinks are not good even if it is a diet one. Look at the ingredients and you will see why. Drinking diet soft drinks makes you crave for more food. Instead drink water or green tea. Add sliced lemons if you want to add some taste.

  • Eat fruit or raw nuts instead of chips when you want some snacks. Eating fiber and protein during meals would make you less hungry and not yearn for snacks a few minutes after eating.

Easy Tips for Easy Exercises

If you are the type that is too lazy to exercise, here are some easy ones which can help you start the habit.

  • Walk. At least once a day, spend around 15 – 30 minutes of walking. Sometimes you watch TV for hours or sit reading a book longer than 30 minutes. Walk around the house or office. Walk to the grocery store when buying stuff. Enjoy the fresh air outside. Walking releases natural endorphins.

  • Use Exercise Machine. Look around the house. Do you own an exercise machine that is just lying there and gathering dust? Use that machine daily until you develop the habit of exercising daily.

  • Ride a Bicycle. Do you own a bicycle? What are you waiting for? Get on it and start riding around the neighborhood.

  • Aerobics or Zumba. No time to attend an aerobics or Zumba class? Exercise right in your own living room. There are free videos of these exercises which you can exercise along. Search for videos that have 3 or more participants to give you a feeling of exercising with other people.

  • Jumping Jacks or Run in Place. The simple jumping jacks or running in place are exercises which would keep the heart pumping.

  • Skip Rope. Can’t afford an exercise machine? A skipping rope is a good alternative. For building stamina, boxers skip rope. A skipping rope may seem like a simple exercise, but the benefits are amazing.

  • Sit-ups or Push-ups. These exercises are great for losing the unwanted belly fat. You can do them while you’re thinking of that particular word you need for the translation project.

Before deciding on high-intensity training exercises or if you have not been exercising lately, consult your doctor first to see if you are fit for the exercise regimen. It is always good to be safe than sorry.


Complement your exercise routine with a well- balanced diet. The calories you are eating should provide you with the right nutrients. Choose veggies, lean protein, and not too sugary fruits. Consuming very few calories will slow your metabolism down and you would not be able to burn fat.

Get out of that chair and start exercising today.

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